Thursday, December 27, 2007

Now Serving Chicken and Dressing

Can we start celebrating Valentine's Day now?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

One Hen Does Not Make A Hen House

I'm so dramatic.

It is true that my partner is now moved on, the art buyer had surgery today, my creative director was out sick and for some odd reason, the office manager split and just left the main line ringing. In between trying to concept on four different clients, I had to go answer the phone, negotiate with Brazilians for an estimate that they think is "Terminator 4" and handle my freelance assignments while the producer frolics with tigers in India.

So if I shout out to the office to pipe down as they stand around my desk exchanging memories of holiday parties past, forgive me. Not that I don't love the busy work and the chance to do something I don't usually do but enough already, peeps.

Now for some new recommends on the Podcast front: Studio 360 is amazing. I've fallen off of listening to my meditation Podcasts choosing instead to read the paper which is more stress. I feel for the victims I read about and the violators too. I mean what events have to happen for someone to grab a gun and maul down Mary Lou and her mama shopping for ties at Penny's?

Got into IFC's podcast series, "Getting Away with Murder". Cute, well shot, poorly acted. Curiously amazing cars for such a low budget affair.

Rainbows and kittens.

Looking forward to the trip down south for the holidays. Which is stress too, really. I have pastoral visions of crickets chirping and porch swings in total relaxation alas it's more like relatives that judge and friends too jealous to act interested in your life. So I made some mix CDs to listen to as we cart ourselves all over North Georgia.

Cup cakes and cubs.