Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who Needs a Head?

Oh me oh my, children. I haven't blogged in forever and ever because I worked forever and ever since the last blog. As this little chick looked back on all the time in the field, and sat rocking in the chair drinking sweet tea and waiting for the train, she realized that she wouldn't get to see the crop come up as they axed her head off in the southside conference room. Woe is me!

I could almost hear the whistle coming to take me to South Africa where I was to shoot my commercial, then my sobs overcame all consciousness. I looked to my desk to try to get my things together and no one stood up, no one grabbed me and hugged me, no one looked at me. They left me there in that strange dimension to grope around for some decency. After all the times I cared to hear their ideas even when they were plain terrible, after all the times I said good morning with a chipper smile, after all the hours upon hours we worked together that seemed more like play and we laughed until snot drooled out each one could garner a hug? I was overwhelmed and couldn't find the difference between me and my agency's belongings. Where I ended and it began you might say. I reached for the lap, that's not mine any longer...I reached for my purse and left with what I came in with minus dignity.

Now here's a delicate question: why not a cafe down the road? Why in a glass box where everyone can watch and see? Why not let me produce my commercial that I worked all year on? Why not just after filming it? The tickets were bought people. I was to leave in two days.

Since my head was cut off all I had was my heart to think with. My heart kept telling me you shouldn't have smarted off to that one or you should have stayed later or you're just not good enough. Loads of that kept pouring out of me. I'll not dwell on that rubbish.

Let's just all remember how awesome we are and pray that those greedy bastards on Wall Street go to jail as we loose our jobs and are kicked out of homes. Is that okay to do? To pray those jackasses get ass raped? Ouch. Well my heart's all I got and it doesn't know good manners.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Problem with Small Wings

We were just throwing around quotes attempting to get a great one - possibly for "Bartletts Familiar Quotations", I mean why not?

And here's a selection for voting:

1. If you try harder less, you'll live longer.

2. If you use a parachute, you'll live longer.

3. If you don't have a parachute, you die.

There they are. Let me know what submission wins?

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Where I work you get to do the most amazing stuff. Working with a team of brainiacs who like to laugh and get up for work in the morning, we've gone double time creating content to entertain our audience.

Hope you all like it. There's tons more coming.


Here's what I've been up to lately.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


My friend was right, knee socks drive men crazy.

Left my house wearing granny blues to the knees and FDNY across the street couldn't help themselves. Though I'm dorkie, townie and pasty, I still get thumbs up and smiles from the penis-sect with some knee highs on. What if they have happy whales on them? What if they're argyle? We must investigate if it's the coverage or if it's the pattern or if it matters at all.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

News from the Biddy Fence

Ahhhh. Hello dahlings.

Already you can sense my fresh attitude. It's fleeting. I'm really quite disjointed today. Time for introspection as I say.

New job in month 5, approaching month 6 and the delightful review I was gauranteed upon hire. Lovely. I've kicked ass so I expect it to go smoothly. However my ridiculously feminine desire to please/judge myself sends razor blade thin drags down my heart on the slightest occasion. Meh. That too enriches my performance. Way to lemonade the situation I say.

In the past 5 months I've managed to push through an idea that I know for a fact would have been thumbed and pill crushed at prior agency, written a tag line for a global campaign that is well loved and will hopefully set my portfolio up a a shiny notch on the belt of addaboy, concepted a global campaign for a dying product that enlivened the product merely because the campaign is cool (ha), uh what else...plugged in to a group of folks that seemingly would turn on a newbie like wolves on a bunny. So there you go. Not frackin' bad for 5 months.

Moved. Finally. The coop of Bay Ridge was too shitted up and we couldn't have found a better nest. 2 blocks from the museum, park, and Bot Garden. Not to mention cheaper than the 1.2 hour commute to Beirut. Not to mention 300 to 400 more square feet...we're topping out at 1000 I'm guessing. Furniture time. We have pieces that fullfill duties. But an event horizon is approaching and there's a flat screen TV in it. Or is there a trip to the south of France there? Hard to tell with event horizons.

Here's news. I see kids. Not in a haunted hotel twin little girls in a bloody hallway, way. LIke I can see me digging a little mohawked boy named Atticus Jack holding on to the pocket of my jeans in the future. And that's big peeps.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hens Have Ears

More recommends for entertainment or alone time or sounding smart. Sure.

Podcast front: Radio Lab by WNYC. At first the SFX threw me because I've been listening to more lo-fi structures of This American Life et al. But once you get into the flow of the audio style you really find that it's a character of the show. Mostly cool, each episode brings heavy concepts into a place we can all share. Particular ones that I really liked have been "Mortality", "War of the Worlds", and "Placebo". These are just a few. As you can feel, there have been a few times that I felt bored, but rarely. It's worth drudging through any boring moments to get to a grander point.

Music Videos: Snoop Dogg's latest is phenomenal. It's amazing to see how reactive the zeitgeist is to the Photoshop slickness of the past 5 years. Now things are cooler when they're Gondry, do-it-yourself cheesy. In these youtube times of "I can make something cool in my livingroom" the producers and directors aren't skipping a beat. Snoop deviates from his usual stuff and it works. Unlike Madge and her attempts to partner with Timbaland-erlake. Yikes. 4 minutes too long fellas. Sorry.

Music: Eve's new song "Tamborine" is awesome. Play it when you need to bounce around the room.

Let me know what you think on any of this stuff.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today is Foul...sorry but it is.

Yeah. A bunch were laid off yesterday and today. Sour day. Scary when I just got here. But shit happens.

Recession hits. We all get hit.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Photo Essay: Yard Bird Rides with Hair Ball

Traveling with the MTA has become second nature. I can read from my front door, down the stairs (look out for that Magnum and ghetto hooch, on the train, wait on the platform, switch trains, up the stairs, down Broadway weaving tourists, up the elevator (mind the obligatory chat with co-worker). 

Ah, the MTA. Mostly on time. When they feel like it. And it's not on a weekend day.


Once in a while there's just no way you can seemingly stare at your iPhone or recent National Book Award.

When New York City shows it's 45 year old bikini line sans waxing. Wow. Now that's a conversation stopper. "I'm sorry dear but your crisis is on hold until I investigate this phenom."

So enjoy this ride with the hair ball. 

I wondered this: when is an object large enough to have it's own gravity? 

3.5" x 2.75"

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flash in the Pan

Holy chicken shit people! Enough with the fucking cameras already.

Went to a concert last night to stand there and enjoy live music, possibly moving my hips, nodding my head in feeling the lyrics. You know, New York, I'm too cool-ness that I'm forced to participate in. Since the show was stocked with fewer people than actually like the TV show Earl, me and the Man moved closer to the stage. Having claimed our respective space to stand and nod comfortably we enjoyed a few songs. The Man then must go off to pee leaving me there to fight all potential turf wars among the 40 somethings swaying around us.

Right before The Man returned, a girl wearing socks on her arms literally stepped in front of me and onto my feet to shove a camera in the air. I bent back, not giving up my position but not wanting to eat her lollipop smelling hair. Her friend noticed this and hung back. Some, I guess, still have a clue. But she didn't leave. No snap an annoyingly bright flash and move on. No "excuse me" or wink: "thanks". I was astounded. Do I fight? Do I keep things civil?

The Man returns and slowly gets a sniff of what's happening. I drove it home when I leaned back and said, "apparently we're in the camera pit." When you looked to my immediate right, there was sock bitch, to the front and left was snappy the annoying snapper who hadn't the sense to turn off the flash so she could get a picture that wasn't full of white smoke and burnt out skin on the singer. To her right was yet another bimbo with an unGodly sized view screen. What will come next, I wondered, a vibrating tone that tells you when there's a picture worth taking around?

Glancing around the room I counted ten other fucking cameras gleefully snapping flashes that pierced eyes and disrupted the moody funk of the room.

Oh, and the sock bitch next to me continued camera-ing the entire show. She was recording fucking video on the thing. I'm sure the concert is on YouTube right now. Listen for my comment about the camera pit around song 5.

I say ban the bitches with cameras. My God, do you have record every fucking thing in your life instead of actually live it?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Farm, New Dirt to Scratch

And so it goes...the time has come for me to pick it up and move it on downtown. After two years at (unnamed ad agency), I'm making my move to something a lot less corporate. A lot more stressful perhaps since I won't be the smartest guy in the room there, but a lot more fun. I'm not suggesting I was the smartest guy in the room, just the most unchallenged.

The raise I was due over a year ago came too little, too late and the creative energy began dwindling before that. It happens. I'm not ready to approach the statement that I know how to run an ad agency, but I am learning what doesn't work. Fear. Fear wreaks havoc on creative people and the ideas.

CLIENT: "Oh, we can't do that. That'll seem like kids chase baseball players around because players won't sign autographs. Can the players run with the kids?"

AGENCY: "But it's a game of chase. You've liked it for three months."

Yes, I'm leaving at a good time. Not only do I hope that my new CD will put a bullet in ideas that can't be gutted by spineless clients, but I'm even more hopeful that he will see spinelessness before it starts thereby protecting months of work and heart and sweat from being for nothing.

They say it's the same room of whipped copywriters and art directors in hell as in heaven, but in heaven the work gets produced.

Moving on.

I decided to take a week between jobs to do who knows what. Should I go somewhere and soak my feet in lemon juice? Or should I maybe look for a new apartment and move myself back into civilization? Bay Ridge, Brooklyn is not fun, nor cultured, nor the New York City I meant to move to.

New Job, new apartment is what I say.

More on this later.

The reason I'm so hot to move is The Crazy Neighbor. So there's this guy who lives on the other side of my wall, the wall that's closest to my head when I sleep. He DJs to the world. Really, he has a microphone and a stereo and I assume, some type of fader. He likes to do this at 3am or maybe as early as 1am. When you ask this Crazy if he'll turn it off, he screams something about cutting up your face or using the N word and runs back and forth across the street screaming about needing some respect.

Plus I do not dig Bay Ridge.

New Podcast thumbs up for Ira Glass and This American Life. It's the public radio show gone podcast and it's a perfect listen with three segments giving you a short train ride listen to a longer train ride to the longest train ride. Plus it's just so neat.

Starting a carb-less life. It's hard and I'm wondering if it's worth it.