Friday, November 9, 2007

The Gospel According to Drained Blood/No Avian Flu

Got the follow-up call from Dr. Martin today.

He ran down the blood work...liver good, kidneys good, iron good, cell count good.

"You're totally normal."

"Hells yeah, Dr. Martin! I knew I was normal!"

He chuckles. "Well, on paper you are."

I asked about the cholesterol. My LDLs are 89... I looked up the optimal level for the bad cholesterol and 100 is king.

Dr says your diet is perfect, don't change a thing.

Good thing they don't check for caffeine levels. Then I would have gotten a lecture.

So that's the saga of the ordeal of the escapade through the dealings of drawing my blood.


fifi said...

Yea! Sounds like you're healthy enough to eat for Sunday dinner.

So, no mrsa either? Yeah, I guess you are gonna be a delicious feast.

HollyMay said...

Why would you want to consider me food? Ever? I'm bitter and sometimes sour and full of hot air.