Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flash in the Pan

Holy chicken shit people! Enough with the fucking cameras already.

Went to a concert last night to stand there and enjoy live music, possibly moving my hips, nodding my head in feeling the lyrics. You know, New York, I'm too cool-ness that I'm forced to participate in. Since the show was stocked with fewer people than actually like the TV show Earl, me and the Man moved closer to the stage. Having claimed our respective space to stand and nod comfortably we enjoyed a few songs. The Man then must go off to pee leaving me there to fight all potential turf wars among the 40 somethings swaying around us.

Right before The Man returned, a girl wearing socks on her arms literally stepped in front of me and onto my feet to shove a camera in the air. I bent back, not giving up my position but not wanting to eat her lollipop smelling hair. Her friend noticed this and hung back. Some, I guess, still have a clue. But she didn't leave. No snap an annoyingly bright flash and move on. No "excuse me" or wink: "thanks". I was astounded. Do I fight? Do I keep things civil?

The Man returns and slowly gets a sniff of what's happening. I drove it home when I leaned back and said, "apparently we're in the camera pit." When you looked to my immediate right, there was sock bitch, to the front and left was snappy the annoying snapper who hadn't the sense to turn off the flash so she could get a picture that wasn't full of white smoke and burnt out skin on the singer. To her right was yet another bimbo with an unGodly sized view screen. What will come next, I wondered, a vibrating tone that tells you when there's a picture worth taking around?

Glancing around the room I counted ten other fucking cameras gleefully snapping flashes that pierced eyes and disrupted the moody funk of the room.

Oh, and the sock bitch next to me continued camera-ing the entire show. She was recording fucking video on the thing. I'm sure the concert is on YouTube right now. Listen for my comment about the camera pit around song 5.

I say ban the bitches with cameras. My God, do you have record every fucking thing in your life instead of actually live it?

1 comment:

fifi said...

Now I've been known to snap a photo or two at a concert or other live event so I can post it to flickr or blog about it or something. But I'm always intensely sensitive about making sure I don't disturb anyone else's viewing pleasure just so I can get my shot.

Of course, as yet, most of the things I've shot haven't been blogged about. I ended up deciding to just live them & enjoy them after all.

But I'm with you -- people were trying to take pictures at the opera last weekend with their camera phones & Lincoln Center has a very strict no-cell-usage-in-the-auditorium policy. But, without regard for the rules or anyone around them, these people kept trying to take pictures, as well as text, etc., & the ushers kept having to walk over & tell them to put their phones away. It was a huge distraction for the rest of the audience & it made me wanna see how much pain I could inflict while still looking uber-hot.